Why Cookbooks Are Better for Healthy Recipes Than Searching Online

Did you know air frying is healthier than oil frying because it cuts calories by 70 to 80% and has a lot less calories. These are the sorts of facts you get as part of a cookbook.

Cookbook writers are often nutritionists or people who want to live a holistically healthy lifestyle and so they provide you with an all-around plan for living healthy, including the best food to eat in order to do that.

Then there is all that fabulous information that you get on the ingredients themselves. Inside most cookbooks there is information on the nutritional value of the ingredients, or details on volumes and calories etc.

Whilst online recipes may contain some of this information its nowhere near as in depth as in a cookbook. Have you noticed that?

You can always go back and look up that information in a cookbook, knowing it’s there in the cookbook and you don’t have to sift through online information to find it again.

If you’re like me and you’ve been down the path of searching for online recipes, it gets daunting because there are so many different recipes, so many varieties and they are by individuals most of the time with not a lot to support how healthy they really are.

And have you ever tried saving and organizing your online recipes? Now that’s not an easy task.

Cookbooks on the other hand have one recipe or a chapter in it for each type of healthy food and you can read in the bio on the book the background on the chef or cook that developed the recipe. You get a strong feel for the importance of health and happiness in the recipes they provide in the book.

Some of the books also have the story of how the recipe came about too, which like me, you might love to read.

It reminds me of my Grandma and how much she loved cooking. Do you still have recipes and cookbooks from your Grandma? They are a legacy passed down through your family with love.

You’ll probably find you have your own favorite cookbooks and recipes that you turn to often, when you want to cook or bake. They are the recipes that feel healthy for you. I’m guessing, because of the love that goes into making them.

Whilst the online world might have a ton of healthy recipes the benefits of cookbooks are this:

  • You don’t need a computer handy when you cook. No messy food marks on your keyboard.
  • All the recipes are in one place.
  • The variety of healthy recipes is contained in one place and can easily be gone back to, time and time again.
  • You can mark the spot in a cookbook where your most favorite recipes are to easily come back to them.

So, buy yourself a new cookbook and sit working your way through the yummy recipes to decide what you will cook for your next healthy meal. Will it be an air fryer book or one on slim eating?