Are you ready to skip the easy Samurai Sudoku puzzles?
Are you ready for more challenging Sudoku puzzles?
Do you want to go to the next level of brain exercises?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then this is the book for you! It contains 102 Samurai Sudoku puzzles at the expert and extreme level of difficulty. Each puzzle combines 5 Sudoku puzzles into one large and addicting logic game to enhance your concentration and provide you with hours of puzzle solving fun.
102 Samurai Sudoku puzzles with one puzzle per page.
- 51 Expert rated puzzles
- 51 Extreme rated puzzles
- Solutions to all 102 puzzles in the back of the book
You’ll want to keep this Samurai Sudoku puzzle book handy next to your favorite chair or in your backpack for anytime brain challenges.